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Dr. Zhang's Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic
Chinese Medicine has existed for over 4000 years and is a comprehensive medical system with two basic disciplines - acupuncture and herbal medicine. Other associated treatments include acupressure massage, cupping, ear candle, ear points and allergy test.
Problems and Diseases Helped by Chinese Medicine --
Headache, Migraine, Facial Pain & Paralysis
Rheumatism, Lumbago, Back Pain, Arthritis, Fibrosis
Digestion Problems
Shortage of Breath
Poor Circulation
Urinary Problems such as Cystitis
Hay Fever, Sinus Problems, Catarrh
Depression, Anxiety, Stress
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Paralysis after Stroke if treated early
Acupuncture is useful for maintaining good general health
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